Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day Three - Trying to Eat Right

Bought lots of healthful snacks yesterday. The great part about our shopping venture, was that yesterday was part of our "sales tax holiday." We spent absolutely no tax on our $400 purchase.

This morning for breakfast - something I normally don't eat, I had a "light" 100 calorie yogurt. Then 2 hours later I had an 80 calorie string cheese - a half an hour later I had a handful of some chips, waited another half an hour and had a plum. I've also been drinking lots of water, and I'm still on my first soda.

So I think I'm off to a good start. Let's just hope I I stick with it for the day. We're planning on some salmon & veggies for dinner - and the family as a whole is going all in on this. You know as they say, there is strength in numbers. After finishing up on the laundry, we each plan on getting in some time on the tread mill - as it is too damn hot to walk outside!

1 comment:

NotPerfectDeb said...

I'm so proud of you so taking the first steps to change...I'm just trying to incorporate more healthy choices